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Wholesale Banking

ING Prague interest rates - valid till 31. 12. 2021

CurrencyING Prague credit base rate

Default interest rate (ING Prague debit base rate)

AUD0,00 %12,00 %
BGN- 0,8 % p.a. from balance on accounts where the amount exceeds 350 000 BGN4,75 %
CAD0,00 %12,00 %
CNY0,00 %19,00 %
CZK0,00 %6,75 %
CZK (on accounts of Financial institutions)0; -20 % p.a. from balance on accounts of Financial Institution, which exceeds amount 300 000 000 CZK6,75 %
DKK- 1,6 % p.a. from balance on accounts where the amount exceeds 500 000 DKK8,00 %
EUR- 0,6 % p.a7,40 %
GBP0,00 %7,00 %
HRK0,00 %6,75 %
HUF0,00%; - 0,6 % p.a. from balance on accounts where the amount exceeds 60 000 000 HUF14,00 %
CHF0,00%; - 1,5 % p.a. from balance on accounts where the amount exceeds 200 000 CHF4,50 %
JPY0,00%; - 0,7 % p.a. from balance on accounts where the amount exceeds 20 000 000 JPY3,50 %
NOK0,00 %8,00 %
PLN0,00 %9,50 %
RON0,00 %22,00 %
RUB0,00 %30,00 %
SEK0,00%; - 1 % p.a. from balance on accounts where the amount exceeds 500 000 SEK30,00 %
TRY0,20 %14,00 %
USD0,00 %8,00 %


End of year fee (all currencies)

Fee of 0.30 % flat from the Excess amount of the aggregated balance of all Client’s Accounts in all currencies on December 31, in case the aggregated balance of positive balances exceeds CZK 100 Mio on December 31*

* Exceess amount is calculated as a difference between aggregated positive balances of all Client’s Accounts on December 31 and average of aggregated positive balances of all Client’s Accounts in period of January 1 – November 30 of the same year, increased by 30 %.

Balances on accounts maintained in other currencies than CZK will be recalculated to CZK by CNB mid rate valid on December 31 of the same year.